The Poster
Every year, thousands of people from all over the world, each one driven by her or his own motivation, with their own means, take the routes leading to the Spanish town of Santiago de Compostela.
It is a unique experience, the memory of which inspired the realization of this poster, conceived with a functional, one-of-a-kind approach. Featuring the complex network of routes leading to the Jacobian town, it contains plenty of details on the various routes, pilgrim types, their motivations, the periods and towns of departure.
In the hope that it will stir the same, intense emotions that fueled its creation, this artwork is meant to be a reminder to accomplished pilgrims, an inspiration to those who wish to return and an encouragement to whoever intends to make the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela for the first time.
Size | 67×97 cm |
Paper | Natural 140 gr/m2 FSC certified |
Printing | High Quality Offset |
Colour | Black + Pantone 485 |

The Shell
The natural disposition of radially converging routes inspired the representation of the Iberian Peninsula as a shell, symbol par excellence of the pilgrims. The various routes and their respective stages are congruently depicted in linear form, maintaining the geographic proportions.

The Routes
The shell displays 11 primary and 41 secondary routes, including information on their lengths and, in some cases, the distance to Santiago, as some ways do not lead there directly, but are connected to and succeeded by others.
The distances are also displayed for the towns of departure, arrival and the main points of access to the routes. (Some towns are crossed by a few ways and their distance to Santiago depends on the chosen route. For instance, Ponferrada is about 207 km away if you follow the Camino Francés, but it is 241 km away if you are on the Camino de Invierno.)
The most primary routes include information on overall and departure town affluences, the stages, route variations and the main promontories; whereas secondary routes comprise the most important towns and cities along the way, as well as those in which routes intersect.

The Pilgrims
Outside the shell, pilgrims are classified according to gender, age, motivation, the means they use, their affluence throughout the year and their nations of origin including, in case of Spain, also the autonomous communities.

The ways
The routes keep evolving, but this artwork features the most popular ones.
Camino del Norte
Camino Primitivo
Camino Francés
Camino Aragonés
Camino de Invierno
Vía de la Plata
Camino Sanabrés
Camino Portugués
Camino Portugués de la Costa
Camino de Fisterra
Vía de Bayonne
Camino Vasco del Interior
Camino del Valle de Mena
Camino Viejo
Calzada de los Blendios
Camino Lebaniego
Ruta Vadiniense
Camino del Salvador
Vía Turonensis
Vía Lemovicensis
Vía Podiensis
Vía Tolosana
Voie des Piémonts
Camino del Baztán
Camino de Girona
Camino de Barcelona
Camino Catalán por San Juan de la Peña
Camino Catalán por Zaragoza
Camino de Tarragona
Ruta del Ebro
Camino Castellón-Bajo Aragón
Camino Castellano-Aragonés
Camino de Levante
Ruta de la Lana
Ruta del Sureste
Ruta del Argar
Camino Manchego
Camino Mozárabe
Camino de Madrid
Vía Serrana
Camino del Estrecho
Vía Augusta
Camino del Sur
Camino Torres
Camino Portugués de la Vía de la Plata
Camino do Este
Camino de Faro
Rota Vicentina
Camino Portugués Interior
Variante Espiritual del Camino Portugués